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  • Writer's pictureOlivia Ostler


Updated: Oct 13, 2019

I'm a Mom of three darling boys and a dog named Cedric, wife of a cute nerd, renovation addict, pink enthusiast, and consumer of diet coke and chocolate. We live in Salt Lake City, Utah and we have spent the last two and a half years renovating a two story 'cape cod.' Though, I have to admit, we took a long break to have our third son. Having a third really kicked my butt (more on that another day)!

'Rose Colored Cottage' gets its name from my love of flowers and my hope to one day plant climbing roses all over this house (dreamy, right?) but also from my husband's outlook on life. He sees the world through rose colored glasses. He has constant faith in himself, me, the world, and that God is on our side. It's not always perfect but with a positive outlook and rose colored glasses life can look pretty darn good.

I want our home to reflect that. I want to reflect that and inspire others to create beauty, and empower them to see the world through rose colored glasses.

I hope to go into more detail, room by room, about what we've done but, for now, here is a smattering of photos to give you a glimpse into our rose colored life.



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